My Magnificent Obsession
I am a Creator. I am a self-taught Artist, designer & developer. I was born in the Philippines, my father is Scottish-Jamaican, my mother is Filipino-Chinese, and I grew up in Hong Kong. I did some travelling and I have lived in England for over 12 years. I was a teacher and a children’s entertainer in Hong Kong, I am also an abstract & hyper realist artist.
I feel the projects I have in my portfolio show the skills I have gained through courses, reading and practicing. It also shows how focused I am to progress further. I am very passionate about web developing and design, it simultaneously challenges me, intrigues me and motivates me.Its a little magical, too.
About 2 years ago, I bought a book called "Get Coding" for my son. He was interested in coding and we decided to do the projects together. We followed the instructions and typed into the text editor- not quite able to visualize my destination. It felt like a puzzle and I was putting pieces in places and then moving them again. I had been an artist working with paints and colors, I was used to seeing the brush strokes and the results of those brush strokes immediately. This was a unique experience to me but then we opened the document in our browsers, and I was amazed! It felt like magic, I had put in the spells, mixed the cauldron and summoned the magic!! It was the start of a whole new perspective of creativity.
I then signed up to Code Camp and as I worked through the course my interest grew. I signed up to Code Academy and I loved the way it went over what I had learned in Code Camp. It seemed to cement my knowledge and understanding of HTML, CSS & JavaScript. I wanted to create more, and I took some more web developer courses on Udemy. I made more pages and simple games. I played around with the commands, I googled other ways of creating moving parts and found an array of creations.

During this time, I had an opportunity to be a part of a team to build a new website. I put myself forward, I got it and a month later, I was helping to build the new website. It was amazing. We used Dreamweaver (which I had never used as all my course used sublime, but it was easy to pick up) as was the new content management system. I was on my way, we built the information pages, directory and E-Forms using HTML and some CSS. I was in awe of some of the Tech guys that came to see how we were doing, and they were very happy to answer some of my non-work related coding questions. I participated in research, focus group sessions, took input from and ideas from the different services. We did some training in wire-framing, UX & UI design sessions. The 9 months completely ignited my passion for coding and digital design.
I was then approached by a mum at school to help create a logo for her at home beauty service as she was aware of my art background; I signed up to some courses in Graphic Design, I took courses like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc. I have had many previous opportunities to indulge in this passion. As a teacher I designed worksheet & booklets and as a business owner I have designed flyers, social media advertisements, leaflets, etc. The year before I had created a charity calendar which entailed having a photography session with managers, discussing and deciding which photos I could use, acquiring photos of muscly men and photoshoping their heads onto the muscly body without using PS as the PC’s at work would not allow the program to be loaded so I had to make due with Microsoft Photo Editor. So, it was not a new skill but more a skill I get to utilize and evolve in. The calendar was a hit and spread like wildfire, a couple even ended up in other local businesses.
The mum from school then asked me to build her a simple landing page, an opportunity to combine coding and graphic design – it inspired me even more. The page had brilliant colors, the fleshy images, the bold words, in that moment it gave life to something so beautiful. I took more courses & watched tutorials to learn to take the ideas in my head and make them real and that was the beginning of my magnificent obsession.
By day, I am currently a Processing Administrator. I log and investigate formal/informal representations and utilize different system to obtain evidence, information and legislation. My position requires attention to details, self discipline and excellent time management to meet deadlines and complete processes. I am also a people person and have regular contact with the public as well as internal service departments and shareholders. My wide range of skills set is a result of putting myself forward to help other services and thus making me a multi-skilled employee who can jump into different service when required. I am very proactive and adopt a problem-solving approach to work as well as in all areas in life. On a daily basis I maintain a positive response to situations, thinking about the best realistic result, thinking of all options to reach reach my target, thinking about possible road blocks and what we can do about them as well as planning steps forward but being able to change course when required. I focus on what is working and how we can change what isn’t to our advantage.

By night, I am the creator of #djsandscreation. I build websites from scratch, using Wix/ Corvid, weebly/four squares and my repositories on Github display my code for creating responsive and beautiful websites from scratch, utilizing my HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills. I have expanded my skills sets to cover Jquery, React, Sass and Less. I have knowledge of the GIT working process as evident on my profile of Github. I understand and utilize the new creative features like HTML 5, CSS3 and focus on building responsive design. I have experience creating logos, flyers and online media which is evident on my website and social media apps.
At the beginning of this year I have been approaching local business owner/freelancers, offering my services as a designer and web developer. This has built my confidence as well as my portfolio. I am currently building, setting up the optimization of a website and running a social media project to promote 2 small business. I am always working on building my body of work and evolving my skills. I seek every opportunity to move forward with my magnificent obsession. I share my journey on my youtube channel/social media pages and blog/vlog. I also share what I learn, read, find out , research and I am active in the self-taught coding/ design/tech community and part of my blog looks at the mindset of a creator and how we can remain inspired, how we can improve our skills and evolve in our magnificent journey.
I hope you enjoy seeing my creations as much as I enjoyed making them and I always welcome feedback to improve. My goal is to be a Full Time Creator - to create content, to be a coder & a designer; to be a part of the new generation of creators that shape and grow a whole new web experience and to share my journey, and creations.
Thanks, so much for taking the time to look at my website.
Live life with Passion & courage!!
DJ Sanderson